
Church, Community and Creation in Harmony

Eco Church was launched in January 2016. It replaces the Eco Congregation registration we have been working towards for the past three years, progress in which counts towards becoming an Eco Church. It is designed for churches and their communities and for people of all faiths and none. Together we work towards caring for our environment in sustainable ways at a local, national and global level. Our registration encourages us to fulfil the criteria to gain an A Rocha award at bronze, silver or gold standard. Modules leading to these cover worship, buildings, land, community and global, and lifestyle.
You are warmly invited to join our Eco Group. We would love to have your support, heart and passion for ensuring that our environment is sustainable for future generations. Usually, we meet on the second Sunday in alternate months to think about ways to make this happen. We arrange events, workshops, eco-walks and visits – to AmeyCespa, for example – to raise awareness of how we might run and organise everything we do as a church according to sustainable requirements.

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