Services through Advent with a Christmas flavour

Saturday 3 December 10:00 am Advent Café Church

An informal service seated around tables with refreshments when we begin our faith journey towards Christmas.

Sunday 10 December 10:00 am Gift & Crib Service

This is another informal service for all ages where we act out the story of the Nativity - anyone who wishes may dress up and take part in the action.

Saturday 17 December 6:00 pm Village Carol Service

An opportunity to sing several well-known carols by candlelight.

Sunday 24 December 4:00 pm Christingle Service

In this service, popular with children and families, but open to everyone, we make our christingles from oranges and conclude the service standing round the church with them alight.

Sunday 24 December 11:15 pm Midnight Holy Communion

Share in Holy Communion in the stillness of the night.

Monday 25 December (Christmas Day) 10:00 am Christmas Day Family Worship

Everyone is welcome to join us for Communion on Christmas Day.

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