Bar Hill Church 2019 Holiday Club – Eco Explorers
Below is a selection of photos from the Holiday Club 2019 ‘Eco-Explorers’.
Photos are copyright and cannot be downloaded from the website.
(In 2020 we ran an online version of Holiday Club, in 2021 and 2022 we have decided to suspend Holiday Club, but hope to return in 2023).
Team Challenge (4192)
Games (4181)
Craft Activities (4173)
Craft Activities (4215)
Craft Activities (4206)
Concentration (4161)
Craft Activity (4154)
Cheering on the team (4144)
Craft Activities (4205)
Watching (4165)
Craft Activity (4153)
Watching (4143)
Team Challenge (4141)
Team Challenge (4134)
Team Challenge (4139)
Watching (4127)
Games (4124)
Cheering on the team (4138)
Spectators (4329)
Looking on (4140)
Craft Collaboration (4324)
Listening (4220)
Craft (4081)
Craft concentration (4080)
Craft Activity (4078)
Helping with craft (4076)
Craft Activity (4072
Concentrating on Craft (4070)
Craft Activities (4065)
Proud of his work (4063)
Quality Assurance (4061)
Craft Activity (4059)
Concentrating on the Craft (4057)
Team Challenge (4050)
Team Challenge (4043)
Craft Activity (4109)
Craft Activity (4107)
No Comment! (4091)
Working together (4468)
Cheering on the team (4195)
Helping with craft (4502)
Making a book (4501)
Raedy to go (4492)
Games (4491)
Enjoying the games (4516)
Cool Dude (4513)
Watching the team (4465)
Watching the team (4457)
Warm up team (4454)
Helping Hands (4477)
Craft work (4470)