January 2025 Update on children's activities.

Junior Church (1st Sunday of the month)

The original plan with Junior Church was to help children re-learn songs after the long interruption caused by covid lockdowns. This aim has been achieved so we will revert to KidZone for a teaching session.

We would now encourage the teenagers (YouthZone age) to remain in church for the whole service. They may wish to come to the evening Informal Worship service at 6:00 pm.


As we rarely have more than one or two under-5s, we will merge TotZone with KidZone.

We will aim to have at least three leaders present, so that if there are extra pre-school children they can have extra support and attention.

 YouthZone & YouthZone+

The teaching session on the third Sunday remains the same.

On the second Sunday evening the YouthZone session will usually have social time with quieter games followed by a reflection.

On the fourth Sunday evening the games will be more energetic.

Café Church (fourth Sunday)

Most children have remained with their families in church recently, so we will not offer alternative activities in the next few months.

To see a summary of what happens each Sunday, click here.

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