Charities we support as a church

We have a rolling programme whereby we support three charities for up to three years.  Each year we review one category and members vote on which charity they would like to support for the next three years.

Overseas Medical

Watoto Child Care Ministries – Baby Home Special Needs Fund.

The daughter of one of our members is an Occupational Therapist and volunteers each week in the Baby Home. Our donation will help provide essential equipment to enable babies and young children with special needs to flourish and live as independently as possible.

Overseas Development

Open doors

Every day, millions of Christians risk their lives to follow Jesus. In more than 70 countries, Open Doors supports them by supplying Bibles, providing emergency relief and helping persecuted believers stand strong for the long-term.


Christians Against Poverty

Through free Debt Management, Job Clubs and Budgeting Skills, CAP offers practical and emotional help to people (of all faiths and none) who are in debt.

Other charities we support during the year:

Bar Hill Foodbank – Harvest produce

Cambridge Women’s Aid – Christmas gifts

Children’s Society – collection at the Christingle service

Christian Aid Week

Fair Trade – a weekly stall

Jimmy’s Nightshelter – Christmas gifts

Knit&Natter – knitted items to many different places of need

Link to Hope Christmas Shoeboxes

International Justice Mission - sales of calendars and prints


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