What is an ‘Advent Window’

An ‘Advent Window’ is a window in your home that can be seen from the road or main footpath. This year we plan to have all windows on display from the 1st of December up until Christmas Day. It can be decorated with paper cut-outs, lights, models and/or paintings (use your creativity and imagination).

We hope to have 25 households involved so there will be one window for each day in Advent. We shall provide a map so that you can walk round the village and see each one (maybe not in one go!). For anyone unable to get around, we may try and photograph each one and create a gallery.

How can I become involved?

We would like to invite as many members of the church to prepare an ‘Advent Window’ as possible. It can be created by individuals or by a whole family. This is also an opportunity for anyone who is housebound to take part as well.

Please register your willingness by completing the form on this link or a paper version that will be available in church this weekend. Scanning the QR code at the top will also take you to the registration form.

Are there in limitations on the design?

Make the focus Christian – e.g., shepherds, Nativity, Wise Men (even though it’s pre-Epiphany). We would like to take the focus away from Santa, sleighs, trees, presents and put Jesus back in the centre.

Our theme for 2023 is “Jesus – Light of the World”.

You could include a simple Christmas message such as ‘Peace to you’, ‘Joy to the world’, or a line from a Christmas carol (e.g., ‘In the bleak mid-winter’).

‘Why should I?’

This is an opportunity for everyone in this church to share their faith in a non-threatening way, to open-up conversations and to give glory to God.

What if I’m not artistic or creative?

We can offer help with templates to cut-out and materials. Just ask.

What if we have no windows overlooking a road or main path?

We would appreciate volunteers to add some Advent Windows to the church buildings.

Important – changes for 2023

  1. All windows should be on display from December 1st to 25th (or later).
  2. There will be an explanatory laminated card provided to go with your display.
  3. We will circulate maps showing where to find each window (but no names) to the public.
  4. The theme for this year is “Jesus-Light of the World”.

Click here to sign up

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