The church family

Our church and congregation members share the responsibility for meeting our financial needs. Those include meeting the cost of ministry, of educating and supporting our members young and old, of maintaining and supporting the wider Church, and of running and insuring our buildings. Those expenses continue day by day throughout the year.

Planned giving

Members of our congregation with their own income are encouraged to support our finances to demonstrate their commitment to our mission. The most effective way is to give regularly an amount that reflects their thanks to God for all that they receive. That gives them the assurance that they are playing a full part in the church family.

Most of those in our Regular Giving Plan set up a standing order from their bank account. What they give can be relied on and enables effective budgeting of our income and outgoings. If they are taxpayers who complete Gift Aid declarations, their contributions are worth an extra 25p for every £1.

Some people give by using weekly envelopes. Their contributions are a little more complex to administer, but there are advantages to the church if they are not paying tax.

Further information and advice on how to give most effectively is available from:

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